Forgotten Chernobyl Posts

24th May 2021

Part 6 of the Analog Chernobyl series, where I capture the eerie beauty of the Chernobyl Zone using film cameras owned by many of Pripyat residents in the 1980s.  

25th April 2021
23rd April 2021

“Interconnected Power System of the South” booklet printed in the USSR by ElektroMachExport in Russian, English and German. I cannot find the exact date of its publication however the Chernobyl…

20th April 2021

Marketplace located a walking distance South from Lesi Ukrainki Street was once a thriving place full of local residents looking to buy everything from fresh meat and vegetables to clothes…

11th April 2021
12th March 2021
16th January 2021
11th December 2020
6th December 2020

Most of you have heard of the Russian Woodpecker, but have you ever wondered what powered this massive structure? I have never seen any photographs from this place and it…

30th November 2020

The old Checkpoint Pripyat with remains of thick lead oxide glass windows installed to protect the guards and dosimetrists in the nearby testing station from radiation.  

21st November 2020
20th November 2020
29th October 2020

RBMK-1000 reactors were 11.8m tall and 7m in diameter, therefore installing them inside the building required specialist equipment. There were two portal cranes capable of handling this task in the…

11th October 2020
11th October 2020
5th August 2020
27th June 2020
4th June 2020