Chernobyl coverage in Daily Express from 30 April 1986

Chernobyl coverage in Daily Express from 30 April 1986.

Russia admits worst A-plant disaster ever



  • More than 3,000 reported dead
  • Thousands more are doomed
  • Help us plea goes to the West

As many as 3,000 people could have died in the nightmare of the Russian nuclear disaster, Western diplomats in Moscow were reporting last night. Ten thousand more could die from radiation and cancer. One of the four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power complex 80 miles from Kiev is still burning. Russia yesterday asked the West for help in dealing with the worst nuclear accident eve, despite the fact that Tass, the official Soviet newsagency, is claiming that only two people died. Soviet’ sources quoted in New York put the figure at 2,100 dead. Another source in Kiev said up to 3,040 had died and 15,000 people were being evacuated from the area M hurriedly-commandeered buses and lorries.

Many may already be under sentence of death. Medical experts say there could be 10,000 fatalities over the next 20 years as radiation-induced cancers take their toll. Britain appears to be safe. The sinister 40-mile high cloud of radiation which passed over Scandinavia is now being blown back across Russia-and over the North Pole towards America. Water supplies are contaminated around Kiev. Radiation-watchers at laboratories in Donreay, Harwell and Abingdon in Oxfordshire are still monitoring radioactivity levels



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