Leonid Fedorovych Toptunov was a Senior Reactor Control Engineer, working in the control room of Reactor No. 4 on the night of the Chernobyl Disaster. Toptunov graduated from the Moscow…
Tag: chernobyl
Three years ago, I installed one of my pinhole cameras in Leonid Fedorovich Toptunov’s apartment. On the evening of April 25, 1986, while preparing for night shift at the Chernobyl…
In autumn 2021 we visited Anatoly Stepanovich Dyatlov’s grave, leaving fresh flowers and reflecting on history. Some claim that Dyatlov was the main person responsible for the accident at the…
No doubt most of my readers have seen the news about the spike in radioactivity near the Chernobyl Power Plant last night, from the typical 1-4μSv/h up to 65.5uSv/h (reported…
There were clouds on the horizon for Viktor Bryukhanov, the director of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl. It was his job to explain what happened to the…
Kindergarten “Druzhba” (“Friendship) in Pripyat is one of the rarely visited places in the Chernobyl Zone. Located on 3 Lenin Avenue, it’s right next to the checkpoint at the entrance…
This is the last part of the Analog Series until my next trip to the Chernobyl Zone, which hopefully will happen in a few months. All of the photos were…
Today’s Guest Post has been prepared by Emilia Ochtera, her endless supply of facts and stories about Chernobyl never cease to amaze me! Various techniques were used to deal with…
“Interconnected Power System of the South” booklet printed in the USSR by ElektroMachExport in Russian, English and German. I cannot find the exact date of its publication however the Chernobyl…
Marketplace located a walking distance South from Lesi Ukrainki Street was once a thriving place full of local residents looking to buy everything from fresh meat and vegetables to clothes…
Komatsu D155W was an amphibious remote controlled bulldozer produced in Japan from 1971 until 1993. It can be found between the office building and the main production hall of the…
Another visit to “Emerald” children’s summer camp in April 2018. This idyllic place hidden only few steps from the main road in the deep woods by the cooling pond was…
I present you a unique and detailed chronicle of events following the Chernobyl Disaster between 1986 and 1993. Published by the Red Cross in Ukrainian and English, it focuses…
Chornobyl: Ten Years of Overcome (Чорнобиль: десять років подолання) booklet was printed in 1996 to commemorate 10th anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster. It is in both Ukrainian and English and…
The old Checkpoint Pripyat with remains of thick lead oxide glass windows installed to protect the guards and dosimetrists in the nearby testing station from radiation.