Tag: припять

26th April 2024

Three years ago, I installed one of my pinhole cameras in Leonid Fedorovich Toptunov’s apartment. On the evening of April 25, 1986, while preparing for night shift at the Chernobyl…

18th December 2023

In autumn 2021 we visited Anatoly Stepanovich Dyatlov’s grave, leaving fresh flowers and reflecting on history. Some claim that Dyatlov was the main person responsible for the accident at the…

26th October 2021
25th July 2021
25th April 2021
20th April 2021

Marketplace located a walking distance South from Lesi Ukrainki Street was once a thriving place full of local residents looking to buy everything from fresh meat and vegetables to clothes…

11th April 2021
4th April 2020

Kindergarten No. 3 “Sunshine” (Дитячий садок “Сонечко”) is located on 16a Lenin Avenue in Pripyat. The building has a typical layout for preschool educational facilities in Pripyat and it’s in…

17th February 2020

One of the most contaminated objects in the Chernobyl Zone is the famous Claw. It was used to clear the debris around the ruined Reactor no. 4 in 1986 and…

5th January 2020

“Goldfish” Kindergarten No. 13 in Pripyat was located between Łesi Ukrainki and Prospekt Budyvelnikiv streets. Constructed as one of the standard Soviet buildings this kindergarten had capacity for 320 children.…

30th December 2019

In the North-West side of Pripyat we can find what remains of the massive greenhouses. Once measuring 285 x 75 metres (935 x 250 feet) and now partially collapsed and…

4th December 2019

Class Albums like this one I found in School No. 2 in Pripyat were popular across the Soviet Union. Pupils would start it when they join the school and fill…

2nd December 2019
1st December 2019
1st December 2019
24th November 2019
16th November 2019

Located in the woods outside of Pripyat, the bakery is a rarely visited by tourists as it’s not included in the routes. The remote building hasn’t been looted as badly…

28th October 2019